lunes, 7 de junio de 2010


As my time as an inhabitant of Dresden is over, and after a year hiatus, it is clear that the old purpose of this blog does not make sense anymore. However, I want to use it to write down about my future travels and experiences, so it needed some restructuring.

Title has been changed (although I am not very convinced with it... any suggestions??), and, as most of you would have already probably noticed, the new entries will hereafter be written in English. It is a compromise solution: I wanted it to be accesible for the greater number of my friends, and even though most are German or Spanish, either of those languages would leave most of the other group out, and I don't want to have to write everything two times. Thus, assuming that most of you can speak (or at least read) English pretty well, this has been the chosen language.

Next entry coming soon... Hanoi!

Stay tuned!

1 comentarios:

Immer dijo...

podrías bautizar a tu blog como "mu rico" o "riquijmo"

me alegro de leerte de nuevo
un besaco